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Radish Cilantro Salsa

We love tomato salsas. We love all the salsas, but this salsa is for the radish! It has a wonderful crunch factor that really livens up any taco or chip.

We've been growing all sorts of different radishes this season. You could use any radish you want here, but we used watermelon radishes because they're our fav.

PREP TIME: 10 Min.

SERVED: 2 hungry farmers who sometimes prefer chips and dip for dinner.


1/4 cup fresh cilantro 4-5 radishes 2 sweet onions 1-4 cloves garlic. 2s jalapeño, chopped 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 tablespoon olive oil salt + pepper (Optional) 1/2 Cup Feta Cheese


Chop cilantro and toss with radishes, onions, garlic, jalapeño, lime juice, and oil in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper and ENJOY! We've also added Feta cheese to this before which adds a nice creaminess to that radish crunch.

Just use this recipe as a guide and adjust measurements and ingredients as necessary.

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